Business Improvements
Improving a business comes in various guises. Business improvements can be
Team building
understanding IT financials
Building a knowledge base
Security improvements
Successfully defending IT Infrastructure
Shadow IT and how to avoid it
Improving Inter-team communications
Asset Management
Migration planing
Building a Knowledge Base
This workshop showcases the benefits and security issues of establishing a knowledge base. It includes discussions about the different tools that can be used as well as roll-based access, what information can be stored and how it needs to be protected. This also plays into ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards.
Create Operational Teams
Documentation and Traning
Retention of personnel
Disaster Strategies
Here is a list of popular workshops. All workshops can be customized to the needs of customers and participants. They can be delivered on-site or remotely, as well as in English or German.
Defence and Security Basics
IT security is a vital topic that managers need to understand, and this workshop delves into, the latest threats and how to build a team that can successfully defend a modern on-site and Cloud-based infrastructure. This includes LiDR strategies, RPO and RTO timelines as well as governmental regulations.
Disaster Recovery Basics
Targeted towards Managers who need to deep-dive how to plan, manage and lead a disaster recovery scenario. This workshop also includes aspects of documentation, security access, password management and especially the after-DR cleanup.
Asset management
It is essentially important for a business to understand what they have, where it is and who owns it. Asset management is taking a key part in these efforts. This workshop discusses the various tools on the market, the collection methods and how to use asset management to improve alarming and notifications.